At HopeWell, our mission is to offer the present hope of the Gospel to hurt and wounded people.
What do we mean by the present hope of the Gospel? The heart of the Gospel is the joyous great news that Jesus is here. It is the announcement of profound, life changing hope from God to us. It is not a self-help, be better message. It is the declaration of God that He has made the way for you and me to know Him, be connected to Him, and to live with present certainty of His perfect love for us.
These are tremendous, life changing promises. Unfortunately, while many Christians can state some of God’s promises to them, connecting the present hope of the Gospel to their hurts, brokenness, and pain often seems impossible.
At HopeWell our skilled team of care providers is committed to the belief that the process of learning Hope anchored to the inexhaustible Well of the Gospel will bring light into the deepest darkness. God’s desire is for us is to live out of robust, life-altering relationship with Him, honest relationship with ourselves, and rich, soul satisfying connection with others.
When we are struggling, no matter how deeply, there is hope!
The Apostle John gives us a powerful picture in chapter 4 of his Gospel, which illustrates what the penetration of the Gospel into human brokenness looks like. The story is known as “The Woman at the Well.” Perhaps a better title would be “Jesus, Intentionally Waiting for a Struggling Woman to Come to Him, The Well of Living Water.” My title is a little wordy, but it is more accurate. The woman came to the well in the heat of the day, so she could hide her shame from others. Jesus, the Well of Living Water, sat purposefully in the heat waiting to have a conversation with her about the only water that would satisfy her real thirst. When she drank from Jesus her shame was shattered, her need to hide her broken secrets was erased. Jesus, the present hope of God, radically altered her relationship with God, herself, and others.
At Hopewell we believe that Jesus continues to offer Himself as the living water that changes everything.